black and white image of victoria carter
black and white image of victoria carter


Good to meet you.

I don't do "blah" so I'll shimmy past the bit where I tell you I have ten years' experience writing for fashion, lifestyle and travel brands. Oops.

If ten years of copywriting has taught me anything, it's that people read.

Some people will tell you, "Oh, no one reads anything online anymore."

Depending on how well I know them and what mood I'm in, I usually just nod and smile; the last time I got into that convo, I missed lunch, my blood sugar plummeted and there may or may not have been a situation involving a traffic cone, a banana, and a bust-up office water cooler.

The thing is, people do read. But, they're picky. And busy and distracted.

Sheesh. We may as well give up. Right?


Yes, the digital landscape is saturated with image after image of Tom Holland and Zendaya (man, they're cute).

But people need words too, simply put, because we need communication (read: CONNECTION).

Short on time? Skip this part 👀

So whatever industry you're in, your brand needs to produce stuff for people to read that's more just than words on a screen.

You need a voice your customer connects with; a distinctive, authentic voice that's 100% yours and yours alone.

If your brand is cautiously sitting on the edge of the pool of life, dipping its toes and shivering up top as it watches other brands splashing around, living their best lives, it's time to do it (and yourself) a favour.

Life is way too short for toe-dipping; I'm here to give your brand the push it needs to make a BIG splash (with not a single ouchy belly flop in sight).

Let's dive into what makes your brand friggin' awesome and persuade others to join us in the deep end, shall we?

Get your brief(s) and let's talk.